Madhur Bhandarkar’s first comedy venture Dil Toh Bacha Hai Ji hit the silver screen today on 28th January all over the country. As per report of the sources, the filmmaker has claimed that while the movie is funny, it is as real as Chandni Bar (2001) and Page 3 (2005).

The film revolves around three housemates and their tangled love lives. The three men are Naren, played by Ajay Devgn, a mild-mannered banker, separated from his super-ambitious reporter wife; Abhay or Abby, played by Emraan Hashmi, a playboy gym trainer who lives off rich girlfriends and believes that ‘it’s survival of the cutest’, and Milind, played by Omi Vaidya, an earnest poet who is proudly holding on to his virginal status until marriage.

38 year old Naren falls in love with 21 year old June Pinto (Padamsee), Milind in love with ungrateful, opportunist radio jockey Gungun Sarkar (Das), and Abby deeply involved with ex-Miss India and desperate housewife Anushka Narang (Chopra).

Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji has an interesting story with unimaginative dialoguebaazi and jokes which requires explanation thus ceasing to be funny.

However, Bhandarkar as a director has once again proved himself that he could come with different flavours. The only thing which needs a lot of work is writing especially comedy.

There is an inherent clumsiness and in places the film feels long and leaden. Still, if you keep your expectations low, it makes for mildly diverting entertainment. You can give it a try if you have nothing to do coming weekends.

Rating- 2.5/5 Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji Reviews

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